Integration is a key component of the overall Semarchy solution, therefore, it's important to understand the concept as well as testing methods. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of testing loading and integration. Please refer to the official documentation in Semarchy Integration Guide for complete details on this process. Refer to this section of the Developers Guide for details on creating Integration Jobs.
The example below utilizes the CustomerB2CDemo model, available in Semarchy tutorials, and data location CertifyReferenceData . If you have followed the CustomerB2CDemo tutorial, the data location you will use is named CustomerB2CDemo.
During the Certification process, Semarchy creates Golden Data from a combination of Source Feeds and user modifications. The described testing method involves creating minimal steps to validate if jobs are running as expected.
1. In Application Builder, Model Design, add a new Job. Select appropriate Entities, then Finish. Save model changes.

2. Under Management, deploy the model with latest changes.

3. Create a New Continuous Load.

Select the name of Integration Job created earlier as value for On Submit Job, then Finish.

Take note of the
Load ID, as it will be used as a starting sequence for manual inserts into the SD table.

5. On the SD_PERSON
table, insert a new record with unique values for B_LOADID, B_PUBID, B_SOURCEID, B_CLASSNAME
. *For subsequent tests (using Continuous Load operation), use the same LOAD ID as you used in your initial load.

6. Verify loads have completed and new record is visible within the application. Below, we can both jobs completed under
Latest Loads and Latest Integration Batches, respectively.

In our Customer application, we also see a new record matching the B_SOURCEID
entered into the SD

Troubleshooting: Check SE table for errors. Verify Match rule is not preventing import.
To discover more about the Integration capabilities in Semarchy xDM, including the SQL and REST APIs, follow our Integration tutorials. |