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Customize 'Application Not Found' error message

Hi All,

We have a business requirement to show meaningful error message in case a non-intended person (without any access to MDM application) is trying to access a particular record (a direct specific record url of MDM application).

Now it is showing as in the attached image 'Application not found'. 

Our business requirement is we want to customize this main text "Application not found" and also the sub text.

Please suggest how we can achieve that.



Attaching the file one more time for better visibility.


Hello Kousik,

You can Export custom translation and change it from file and then import custom translation for any language file again ( for example when you change it for english by this when user select language English in profile then this label value will change for them . If you need that text again you need to add again this text in file and import it again in your model )

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