When trying to declare my instance id in the License server, I get an error “A record with the same id already exists”
Subham Dixit
started a topic
about 2 years ago
Best Answer
Subham Dixit
about 2 years ago
The issue must occur because you copied a repository from one environment to another.
To fix this issue, update the repository UUID in the copied repository schema → mta_repository :
Oracle :
Postgres :
-- to generate a new UUID for a new instance
update mta_repository set uuid = uuid_generate_v1();
-- or to reset the UUID that was already declared in the license server (copy/paste the UUID from the license server)
update mta_repository set uuid = '292a485f-a56a-4938-8f1a-bbbbbbbbbbb1'::UUID;
SQL Server :
update mta_repository set uuid = newid()
1 Comment
Subham Dixit
about 2 years ago
The issue must occur because you copied a repository from one environment to another.
To fix this issue, update the repository UUID in the copied repository schema → mta_repository :
Oracle :
Postgres :
-- to generate a new UUID for a new instance
update mta_repository set uuid = uuid_generate_v1();
-- or to reset the UUID that was already declared in the license server (copy/paste the UUID from the license server)
update mta_repository set uuid = '292a485f-a56a-4938-8f1a-bbbbbbbbbbb1'::UUID;
Subham Dixit
The issue must occur because you copied a repository from one environment to another.
To fix this issue, update the repository UUID in the copied repository schema → mta_repository :
Oracle :
Postgres :
SQL Server :
Subham Dixit
The issue must occur because you copied a repository from one environment to another.
To fix this issue, update the repository UUID in the copied repository schema → mta_repository :
Oracle :
Postgres :
SQL Server :
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