Is there like a batch table or something where we would see insertions/updates/deletes/merges very clearly tagged as having occurred?
I did ask a previous question around this regarding update detection...I am wondering how Semarchy reports counts of Insert/Update/Delete/Merge this calculated on the fly in the engine execution and then persisted to the Job metadata afterward? Is there a query-able history that shows this info besides doing a full compare of new vs old Golden records?
Best Answer
Cédric BLANC
over 2 years ago
The Row/Insert/Merge/Update/Error/Delete counts that you see in the Execution Job Logs or under the Data Location Latest Integration Batches are persisted in the MTA_JOB_LOG repository table.
You have to bear in mind though, the counts are not an acutal reflection on the number of business records that you change. For example, if you edit two records in a stepper, you probably will see much higher counts under Merge and Update because it's a total number of affected records through all of the underlying tables (SD, MD, GD etc.)
1 Comment
Cédric BLANC
over 2 years ago
The Row/Insert/Merge/Update/Error/Delete counts that you see in the Execution Job Logs or under the Data Location Latest Integration Batches are persisted in the MTA_JOB_LOG repository table.
You have to bear in mind though, the counts are not an acutal reflection on the number of business records that you change. For example, if you edit two records in a stepper, you probably will see much higher counts under Merge and Update because it's a total number of affected records through all of the underlying tables (SD, MD, GD etc.)
Cédric BLANC
Is there like a batch table or something where we would see insertions/updates/deletes/merges very clearly tagged as having occurred?
I did ask a previous question around this regarding update detection...I am wondering how Semarchy reports counts of Insert/Update/Delete/Merge this calculated on the fly in the engine execution and then persisted to the Job metadata afterward? Is there a query-able history that shows this info besides doing a full compare of new vs old Golden records?
The Row/Insert/Merge/Update/Error/Delete counts that you see in the Execution Job Logs or under the Data Location Latest Integration Batches are persisted in the MTA_JOB_LOG repository table.
You have to bear in mind though, the counts are not an acutal reflection on the number of business records that you change. For example, if you edit two records in a stepper, you probably will see much higher counts under Merge and Update because it's a total number of affected records through all of the underlying tables (SD, MD, GD etc.)
Cédric BLANC
The Row/Insert/Merge/Update/Error/Delete counts that you see in the Execution Job Logs or under the Data Location Latest Integration Batches are persisted in the MTA_JOB_LOG repository table.
You have to bear in mind though, the counts are not an acutal reflection on the number of business records that you change. For example, if you edit two records in a stepper, you probably will see much higher counts under Merge and Update because it's a total number of affected records through all of the underlying tables (SD, MD, GD etc.)
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