Need to Export Match Rule name after Matches in Import Load
Cédric BLANC
started a topic
over 2 years ago
Looking for a specfic attribute. After doing a process where I am exporting rows that matched a specific import using Match Rules. The confidence score from the Rule that the row matchd on is in the Golden Record (as b_confscore from the rule that it matched on) but I want to get the Match Rule name specifically and include that in my output. Can someone tell me where I can find that?
Best Answer
Cédric BLANC
over 2 years ago
You can find the match rule that matched together two records in the DU table.
The match rule is in the B_MATCHRULE column.
1 Comment
Cédric BLANC
over 2 years ago
You can find the match rule that matched together two records in the DU table.
Cédric BLANC
Looking for a specfic attribute. After doing a process where I am exporting rows that matched a specific import using Match Rules. The confidence score from the Rule that the row matchd on is in the Golden Record (as b_confscore from the rule that it matched on) but I want to get the Match Rule name specifically and include that in my output. Can someone tell me where I can find that?
You can find the match rule that matched together two records in the DU table.
The match rule is in the B_MATCHRULE column.
Cédric BLANC
You can find the match rule that matched together two records in the DU table.
The match rule is in the B_MATCHRULE column.
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