How can I Configure Most Frequent Values in Survivorship Rules?
Fathia Jama
started a topic
almost 3 years ago
Is it possible in the survivorship to add a condition depending of Master values? If at least 2 master records have the same value, the survivor will be the most frequency values, Else If AttributeA=AttributeB then AttributeB.ValueB .
Best Answer
Fathia Jama
almost 3 years ago
If I have understood your question correctly: when you have a Consolidation Strategy of 'Most Frequent Value' for a particular named attribute and there is a need for a tie break to determine the value from which Master Record, then you can use a Ranking Expression to choose which survives.
1 Comment
Fathia Jama
almost 3 years ago
If I have understood your question correctly: when you have a Consolidation Strategy of 'Most Frequent Value' for a particular named attribute and there is a need for a tie break to determine the value from which Master Record, then you can use a Ranking Expression to choose which survives.
Fathia Jama
Is it possible in the survivorship to add a condition depending of Master values? If at least 2 master records have the same value, the survivor will be the most frequency values, Else If AttributeA=AttributeB then AttributeB.ValueB .
If I have understood your question correctly: when you have a Consolidation Strategy of 'Most Frequent Value' for a particular named attribute and there is a need for a tie break to determine the value from which Master Record, then you can use a Ranking Expression to choose which survives.
Fathia Jama
If I have understood your question correctly: when you have a Consolidation Strategy of 'Most Frequent Value' for a particular named attribute and there is a need for a tie break to determine the value from which Master Record, then you can use a Ranking Expression to choose which survives.
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